My Story

My Story

My relationship with food has always been...interesting. 

After attending Summer camp at the humane society in Boulder, Colorado, I became a vegetarian. Mostly because I'm stubborn and partially because I had no idea what I was doing, I stayed a vegetarian for 12 years. From ages 10-22, I was committed to that lifestyle. 

In college, I began working out heavily and tracking my macronutrient intake. I learned just how far from perfect my nutrition really was. My protein intake was much lower than what was recommended and most of it was coming from soy. At the same time, I had a benign breast tumor surgically removed. I won't get into that entire story here, but it was a quake moment in my understanding of the power of food. I can't be completely certain, but in a family with little history of breast cancer, I have to assume the root cause was nutrition. It took me 2 years to accept that it was my fault. And when I did, I changed everything about what I was eating.

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison" - Ann Wigmore

After only five months of eating strictly pescatarian, I added poultry back into my diet as well. No soy at all. Sounds like an easy swap, right? Not so much. Swapping the tofu for chicken breast is simple enough, but I never realized how many processed foods contain soy. It's a lot. So I started cooking almost everything myself.

This blog is partially a food diary, partially an exploration of our messed up food industry, and (I hope) inspiration for my fellow foodies. See you in the kitchen.

With love,


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